Friday, March 12, 2010


Our social justice project focuses on prostitution in Thailand. It connects to social justice because it resonates with the Catholic Social Teaching #1 of Life and the Dignity of the Human Person. The human body, which was made in the image of god, must be treated with respect and not like currency. Prostitution treats this act as if it was something that one could buy off of the street. It deprecates the human body and degrades an act that's reserved for married couples. It also connects with Catholic Social Teaching #4 Option for the Poor and Vulnerable, as most women and children who engage in prostitution consist of those near or below the poverty line and usually have no other option but to turn to prostitution.

My name is Patrick Domingo and I'm a senior at Serra High School. The reason that prostitution interests me is because it is such a social taboo to engage in prostitution here in the United States, but in other countries, especially Southeast Asia, it seems to be a normal and accepted practice due to the economic situation that Southeast Asian countries are in. It is probably the only way for women and children to get by and survive, and at the same time it's an extremely dangerous practice that costs many women and children their lives. What I want to get out of this project is to get a deeper understanding of such a delicate topic that I really don't know much about, and maybe create an opportunity to make a difference.

My name is Nolan McPeek-Bechtold and I am also a senior at Junipero Serra High School. This year in my Theology class we are studying the relationship between Catholicism and social justice. I am an Episcopalian, but I am very open to different religious ideas. I am interested in studying prostitution in Thailand and working to stop it because it is one of the most appalling injustices I have encountered. After reading the informational book, Disposable People, by Kevin Bales, I was inspired to work for and represent the women who have no representation. In this project I hope to raise awareness for the plight of the enslaved women and take a few steps toward eliminating forced prostitution in Thailand.

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